3 Dee - Database of Protein Domain Definitions

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The current cluster is formed at a score of 3.395

Ascend tree (bring in more domains)

Classes% of representative set
undefined 25.00
All alpha 75.00
Breakdown into folds% of cluster % of class
undefined from 3Dee 25.00 0.16
All alpha
4-helical cytokines Short chain from 3Dee 25.00 0.49
Anaphylotoxins (complement system) from SCOP 25.00 0.49
Restriction endonucleases helical domain from 3Dee 25.00 0.49

It is formed by merging the following clusters

Cluster 1

Descend tree into cluster 1

1cfaa-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha Anaphylotoxins (complement system)
1pvib-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha Restriction endonucleases helical domain

Cluster 2

Descend tree into cluster 2

1vlk-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha 4-helical cytokines Short chain
1ab3-1 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined

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