3 Dee - Database of Protein Domain Definitions

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The current cluster is formed at a score of 1.405

Ascend tree (bring in more domains)

Classes% of representative set
undefined 50.00
Alpha and beta (a/b) 25.00
Alpha and beta (a+b) 25.00
Breakdown into folds% of cluster % of class
undefined from 3Dee 50.00 0.31
Alpha and beta (a/b)
Leucine aminopeptidase, N-terminal domain from SCOP 25.00 0.36
Alpha and beta (a+b)
Bacteriophage T7 lysozyme (Zn amidase) from SCOP 25.00 0.52

It is formed by merging the following clusters

Cluster 1

Descend tree into cluster 1

1lba-1 [seq. related domains] Alpha and beta (a+b) Bacteriophage T7 lysozyme (Zn amidase)
1lam-1 [seq. related domains] Alpha and beta (a/b) Leucine aminopeptidase, N-terminal domain

Cluster 2

Descend tree into cluster 2

1aup-2 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined
1lehb-1 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined

Enter PDB code - optionally suffixing the code with the chain id.
