3Dee - Database of Protein Domain Definitions

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You have supplied chain B for PDB code 1pau

Class Complex (Protease/INHIBITOR)
Compound Mol_id: 1; Molecule: Apopain; Chain: A, B; Synonym: Caspase-3, Cpp32, Yama; Ec: 3.4.22.-; Engineered: Yes; Mol_id: 2; Molecule: Ace-asp-glu-val-asp-cho; Chain: C; Engineered: Yes
Author J.Rotonda,J.W.Becker
Model type XRAY
Resolution 2.500000

[PDB file header]

Domain Definitions

Default Definition

This definition is from UDE Thu Apr 29 10:16:40 BST 1999

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Domain Segment FROM TO See Domain Enter Classification
1paub-1 1 A:150:- A:295:- Rasmol Enter
2 B:320:- B:401:-
Class (from SCOP) : Alpha and beta (a/b)
Fold (from SCOP) : Interleukin-1beta converting enzyme (a cysteine protease)

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