3Dee - Database of Protein Domain Definitions

[HELP] [Top of Hierarchy]

SCOP-like Classification


Multi-domain (alpha and beta)

Fold number of domains in representative set number of domains in representative set as a % number of domains in entire database number of domains in entire database as a %
Heme-dependent peroxidases as a single domain from 3Dee 1 0.06 35 0.19
Heme-linked catalases from SCOP 2 0.12 12 0.06
N-terminal nucleophile aminohydrolases (Ntn hydrolases) mainly A chain Domain from 3Dee 1 0.06 20 0.11
Serpins from SCOP 1 0.06 32 0.17
beta-Lactamase/D-ala carboxypeptidase, two domains from 3Dee 2 0.12 7 0.04
p-Hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase as a single domain from 3Dee 1 0.06 21 0.11
Total 8 0.47 127 0.67

Enter PDB code - optionally suffixing the code with the chain id.
