Usage: ./ -in/-sequence [-out/-output ] [-dbname ] [-dbpath ] [-ncpu NNN] [-psi ] [-pred-nohits] [-verbose] [-debug] [-help] [-man] Options: -in/-sequence FILE The path to the sequence file (in FASTA format) you want to predict. -out/-output FILEPREFIX A prefix to the filenames created by Jpred, defaults to the value set by -sequence/-in. -dbpath PATH Path to the uniref database used for PSI-BLAST querying. Default: . -dbname database Database to use for PSI-BLAST querying. This only accepts databases from a list which is pre-defined in the code. Default: uniref90 -psi path Path to a PSI-BLAST output file. -ncpu NNN Number of CPU used by Maximum value is 8 Default: NNN = 1 -pred-nohits Toggle allowing Jpred to make predictions even when there are no PSI-BLAST hits. -verbose Verbose mode. Print more information while running jpred. -debug Debug mode. Print debugging information while running jpred. -help Gives help on the programs usage. -man Displays this man page.