## Running Jpred Server version 4.0.0 ## --Query: d1ppjh_ --/homes/www-jpred/live4/bin/webrun -ipline -log /homes/www-jpred/live4/public_html/results/jp_MswLzk4/LOG -sequence /homes/www-jpred/live4/public_html/results/jp_MswLzk4/jp_MswLzk4.seq -format seq -id jp_MswLzk4 --TIMEOUT set at 10800 seconds --Started work on jp_MswLzk4 at Fri Apr 17 21:29:53 2015 --On machine pe-001.cluster.lifesci.dundee.ac.uk. --format = seq >>10% complete --Running Jpred pipeline --CMD /homes/www-jpred/live4/jpred/jpred --seq jp_MswLzk4.fasta --output jp_MswLzk4 --db uniref90 --pred-nohits --verbose path: jp_MswLzk4.fasta output: jp_MswLzk4 db: uniref90 Time STEP0: 0 Running PSI-BLAST on query against 'uniref.filt'... Time STEP1: 2941 Time STEP2: 2941 >>40% complete Untruncating the PSIBLAST alignments... Unmasking the alignments... Converting sequences to the same case... Remove excessive sequences... Remove sequences which too long or short... Remove redundant sequences... Removing gaps in the query sequence... Outputting cleaned-up PSI_BLAST alignment... Time STEP3: 2944 Output the PSSM matrix from the PSI-BLAST profile... >>50% complete Time STEP4: 2944 Running HMMer on sequences found by PSI-BLAST... hmmbuild - build a hidden Markov model from an alignment HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alignment file: /tmp/4779728.1.c6145.q/NRvNtP6qsg File format: a2m Search algorithm configuration: Multiple domain (hmmls) Model construction strategy: Fast/ad hoc (gapmax 1.00) Null model used: (default) Prior used: (default) Sequence weighting method: BLOSUM filter at 0.62 id New HMM file: /tmp/4779728.1.c6145.q/ePyjA1nPxL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alignment: #1 Number of sequences: 248 Number of columns: 66 Determining effective sequence number ... done. [45] Weighting sequences heuristically ... done. Constructing model architecture ... done. Converting counts to probabilities ... done. Setting model name, etc. ... done. [NRvNtP6qsg] Constructed a profile HMM (length 66) Average score: 99.14 bits Minimum score: 30.66 bits Maximum score: 147.32 bits Std. deviation: 23.94 bits Finalizing model configuration ... done. Saving model to file ... done. // hmmconvert - convert between profile HMM file formats HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Input HMM file: /tmp/4779728.1.c6145.q/ePyjA1nPxL Output HMM file: /tmp/4779728.1.c6145.q/aobtygubD0 Converting to: GCG Profile .prf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - converted NRvNtP6qsg 1 HMM(s) converted and written to /tmp/4779728.1.c6145.q/aobtygubD0 >>70% complete Time STEP5: 2944 Running JNet using the generated inputs from HMM and PSI-BLAST... Jnet 2.3.1 Found HMM profile data Found PSSM profile file Running final predictions! Both PSIBLAST and HMM profiles were found Accuracy will average 82.0% Jpred Finished Time STEP6: 2944 >>80% complete --Running ncoils and multicoil 1 sequences 66 aas 0 in coil 1 sequences 66 aas 0 in coil 1 sequences 66 aas 0 in coil >>90% complete --creating output "JNETALIGN" data not present ALSCRIPT (ALignment to PostScript) ALSCRIPT Version 2.07d - 2nd August 2011 See ALSCRIPT.DOC for details Please Reference: Barton, G. J. (1993), Protein Engineering, 6, 37-40. By: G. J. Barton Copyright: Geoffrey J. Barton (1992,1997) email: geoff@compbio.dundee.ac.uk Initial Defaults: Maximum number of sequences: 500 (Change using MAX_NSEQ command) Maximum sequence length: 8000 (Change using MAX_SEQ_LEN command) Maximum identifier length: 50 (Change using MAX_ID_LEN command) ALscript Command File: jp_MswLzk4.als Starting ALSCRIPT SILENT_MODE Max No. of sequences now: 262 ALscript Finished --tarring up the data >>100% complete --Finished work on jp_MswLzk4 at Fri Apr 17 22:19:00 2015 --Execution time on jp_MswLzk4 is 2947 seconds found jp_MswLzk4.fasta Java version: 1.6.0_32 amd64 Linux 2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64 Opening file: jp_MswLzk4.fasta 17-Apr-2015 22:19:04 jalview.util.MessageManager INFO: Getting messages for lang: en_GB java.awt.HeadlessException Added jp_MswLzk4.concise Creating HTML image: svg.html