If you have access to a database management program (e.g. NBRF PSQ) then you may use that to extract the sequences of interest from the database. However, PROGRAM SELECT provides a method of extracting sequences from any PIR format sequence file. For example, given the file: 'bash_ge_4_scan1.top20id' obtained above and the PIR database file 'protein.seq'.
Program S E L E C T Extracts sequences from PIR database Author: G. J. Barton (1990) Maximum Allowed Sequence Length: 8000 Maximum Allowed Number of Sequences: System Dependent Enter name of file containing SCORE ID pairs: bash_ge_4_scan1.top20id Opening File: bash_ge_4_scan1.top20id Enter Database Filename: protein.seq Opening File: protein.seq Just Extract Identifiers/titles (no sequences) ?[Y/N]: N Enter Output Filename: bash_ge_4_scan1.top20seq Opening File: bash_ge_4_scan1.top20seq Searching for: 20 Sequences Found: HACHPE 1 Found: HADKP 2 Found: HZHU 3 Found: HZCZ 4 Found: HZPG 5 Found: HGHUA 6 Found: HGMQP 7 Found: HGMQR 8 Found: HGMQJ 9 Found: HGBAY 10 Found: HGMKS 11 Found: HBRB3 12 Found: HBMSH0 13 Found: HEGT1 14 Found: HEMSY2 15 Found: HBTG 16 Found: HBOR 17 Found: HBPY 18 Found: HBTTP 19 Found: HBFG3T 20 Extracted: 20 Sequences
The information displayed to the screen signals when each sequence is found, the sequences are sorted into descending score order and output to the chosen file (bash_ge_4_scan1.top20seq).