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Unix Installation Guide

All files should be read into one directory using the tar utility, then symbolic links set up to a suitable /bin directory for the executable files amult, dayb, sorts, sorter, patt and select. All the example files are contained in the subdirectory /test. For example, assuming the amps programs documentation and example files have been read into /local/progs/amps and that you use a directory /local/bin for storing local executables. Log on a super-user, then type:

cd /local/bin ln -s /local/amps/bin/multalign multalign ln -s /local/amps/bin/order order ln -s /local/amps/bin/dayb dayb ln -s /local/amps/bin/sorter sorter ln -s /local/amps/bin/patt patt ln -s /local/amps/bin/select select

Note that version 2.1 includes executables for Silicon graphics and Sun. These are all in the /bin directory and have the extension .sgi for silicon graphics executables and .sun for sun executables.