This file contains one or more protein sequence in ONE LETTER CODE. The format follows that of the NBRF (PIR) databases .SEQ file as follows.
>P1;IDENT this is the title line a s dhjAALLDKHGDK(D,K,L).P L WWPGS* >P1;IDENT2 this is another title line a R G S DF SDSDDDSSDAKKKFG * etc...
Each sequence entry starts with a '>'. This is followed by an identification code (max 10 characters). The next record is a title line (max 500 characters). The following record(s) give the one letter code sequence. Maximum of 500 characters to a line. The end of the sequence is identified by a '*' character. Note that lowercase letters are put into uppercase, and only alphabetic characters are read on the sequence lines, any alphabetic characters that are not standard one_lettercodes are translated as 'X' (unknown).
Minimum requirements are a record with '>', a title line and one residue followed by a '*'.
Examples: globin.seq, myoglobins.seq. Source: PSQ 'COPY' command, or typed in manually.