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Generating transformed coordinates

The program TRANSFORM can be used with any file containing domain descriptions to output a set of PDB format files for display or further analysis. For example, if the transformed PDB files for the globin structural alignment are desired, then it is only necessary to type:

transform -f globin.5

should write the following to the standard output:

TRANSFORM R.B. Russell, 1995
 Using PDB files
 Files will not include heteroatoms
 Files will not include waters
 Domain   1,   1lh1 => to 1lh1.pdb
 Domain   2,   2lhb => to 2lhb.pdb
 Domain   3,   1ecd => to 1ecd.pdb
 Domain   4,   4mbn => to 4mbn.pdb
 Domain   5,  2hhbb => to 2hhbb.pdb
 Domain   6,  2hhba => to 2hhba.pdb

To get a set of PDB format files containing the superimposed coordinates. Running the program as shown above will produce one PDB file for each domain identifier. If one wishes to look at the superimposed structures together (in the same file), then the option -g (i.e. graphics) can be used:

transform -f globin.5 -g -o globins.pdb

should write the following:

TRANSFORM R.B. Russell, 1995
 Using PDB files
 Files will not include heteroatoms
 Files will not include waters
 All coordinates will be in file globins.pdb
 Domain   1,   1lh1 => to globins.pdb (chain A)
 Domain   2,   2lhb => to globins.pdb (chain B)
 Domain   3,   1ecd => to globins.pdb (chain C)
 Domain   4,   4mbn => to globins.pdb (chain D)
 Domain   5,  2hhbb => to globins.pdb (chain E)
 Domain   6,  2hhba => to globins.pdb (chain F)

This options puts transformed coordinates for each domain into one file (specified by -o, in this example it is globins.pdb). Each domain will be labelled sequentially with a different chain identifier (i.e. A, B, C, etc.). Note that only `globins.pdb' is included in the example directory.

Be default, TRANSFORM does not include heteroatoms in the output. If you wish heteroatoms to be included, then add -het to the transform command. If you wish waters to be included in the file add -hoh. Note that heteroatoms/waters are sometimes included that fall outside the range of your domain descriptor. This may seem silly, but it is difficult to deterine which heteroatoms are associated with which residues given PDB format.

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Geoff Barton