When necessary, STAMP programs read sequence information in NBRF (PIR)
format. For example, user defined secondary structure assignment
might be supplied in a file that looks like:
>Tonin Tonin secondary structure Author's assignments ----EEEEE-----EEEEEE-- <etc.> --HHHH---* >Kallikrien Kallikrien secondary structure -- visual inspection ----EEEEEEEE---E-EEEEE--- <etc.> --GGHHHH---* >SGprotease S. Griseus protease secondary structure. ----EEEEE---EEEE-EEEEEEEE--- <etc.> --GGHGHG---*
This is essentially NBRF (PIR) format. Note the position of the asterix.
Comments must be limited to the single line between the identifier and
the start of the sequence string.