Using the Jalview Applet for Input to an HTML Form

Click the buttons below to interact with the jalview applet.

**Unfortunately Javascript - Java communication is not possible using Internet Explorer or Opera on Macs. Please use Safari or Firefox.

JalviewLite has the public method getAlignment(String outputFormat, boolean suffix) which can be called using Javascript.

If more than one Jalview window is open, Jalview returns the alignment in the active window.

The output format can be either Fasta, PFAM, Clustal, MSF, PIR, or BLC.

The boolean value refers to whether the sequence limits should be appended to the sequence, eg /35-287

Note: You must either give Jalview a name in the applet tag or use the applets index in your Javascript.

Since Jalview 2.2.1, the following public methods are availble to be called via Javascript:

//get list of selected sequences
public String getSelectedSequences()

// get alignment as format
public String getAlignment(String format)

// get alignment displayed in alf as format
public String getAlignmentFrom(AlignFrame alf, String format)

// get alignment as format with jalview 
// start-end sequence suffix appended
public String getAlignment(String format, String suffix)

// get alignment displayed in alf as format 
// with jalview start-end sequence suffix appended
public String getAlignmentFrom(AlignFrame alf, String format, String suffix)

// add the given annotation to the current alignment
public void loadAnnotation(String annotation)

// add the given annotation to the given alignment view
public void loadAnnotationFrom(AlignFrame alf, String annotation)

// get the sequence features in the given format (Jalview or GFF)
public String getFeatures(String format)

// get the sequence features in alf in the given format (Jalview or GFF)
public String getFeaturesFrom(AlignFrame alf, String format)

// get current alignment's annotation as an annotation file
public String getAnnotation()

// get alignment view alf's annotation as an annotation file
public String getAnnotationFrom(AlignFrame alf)

// load a new alignment 
public AlignFrame loadAlignment(String text, String title)

// create a new view and return the alignFrame instance
public AlignFrame newView()

// create a new view on alf and return the alignFrame instance
public AlignFrame newViewFrom(AlignFrame alf)

// create a new view named name and return the alignFrame instance
public AlignFrame newView(String name)

// create a new view named name on alf 
// and return the alignFrame instance
public AlignFrame newViewFrom(AlignFrame alf, String name)

// return separator separated list of feature groups 
// on the current alignment
public String getFeatureGroups()

// return separator separated list of feature groups on alf
public String getFeatureGroupsOn(AlignFrame alf)

// return separator separated list of feature groups 
// either visible or hidden
public String getFeatureGroupsOfState(boolean state)

// return separator separated list of feature groups 
// either visible or hidden on alf
public String getFeatureGroupsOfStateOn(AlignFrame alf, boolean state)

// set the separator separated list of feature groups as 
// visible or hidden on the current alignment
public void setFeatureGroupState(String groupList, boolean state)

// set the separator separated list of feature groups 
// as visible or hidden on alf
public void setFeatureGroupStateOn(AlignFrame alf, String groupList, boolean state)