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The programs contained within the package

STAMP consists of the main program (usually refered to as STAMP) and several sub-programs. Briefly, the programs are:

STAMP Main program, does PAIRWISE, tree
  construction, TREEWISE and SCAN modes.
ALIGNFIT Given a list of domains and a multiple sequence
  alignment outputs an initial transformation.
PDBC Finds and reports information about PDB files
  given a four (PDB) code and/or chain identifier.
TRANSFORM Given a list of transformations, outputs the
  corresponding set of coordinates.
SORTTRANS Sorts the output from SCAN, and removes repeated
PDBSEQ Given a list of domains, extracts the corresponding
  sequences from the PDB files.
VER2HOR Given a STAMP alignment file, outputs an easy to read
  text version of the alignment for quick analysis.
DSTAMP Given a STAMP alignment file, outputs commands for
  GJB's program ALSCRIPT (alignment to Postscript).
GSTAMP Given a STAMP alignment file, outputs commands for
  Per Kraulis' MOLSCRIPT program.

The programs contained within the package (continued):

AVESTRUC Given a STAMP alignment file, generates an average
  set of main chain or C alpha coordinates for the
  structural family.
POSTSTAMP Reanalyses a STAMP alignment file (provides a more
  accurate set of equivalences for alignments of more
  than one structure).
PICKFRAME Given a transformation, transforms all other domains
  onto another (specified by the user).
MERGETRANS Given two transformation files, merges them by centering
  on a common identifier, either the first common one found
  or one specified by the user.
MERGESTAMP Given two files containing alignments or transformations or both
  merges them by centering on a common identifier, either the first
  common one found or one specified by the user.
EXTRANS Given a transformation file and a list of domain identifiers
  it will output a new transformation file containing only the
  domains given
ACONVERT General alignment format conversion utility.
STAMP_CLEAN Tidies up STAMP alignments to remove nonsensical gaps

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Geoff Barton