3 Dee - Database of Protein Domain Definitions

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The current cluster is formed at a score of 2.014

Ascend tree (bring in more domains)

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Classes% of representative set
undefined 34.62
Small proteins 7.69
All beta 3.85
All alpha 53.85
Breakdown into folds% of cluster % of class
undefined from 3Dee 34.62 1.42
Small proteins
Crambin-like from SCOP 3.85 0.87
Heat-stable enterotoxin B from 3Dee 3.85 0.87
All beta
Single-stranded left-handed beta-helix Domain II from 3Dee 3.85 0.45
All alpha
DNA-binding 3-helical bundle from 3Dee 34.62 4.43
Disulphide-bond formation facilitator (DSBA), insertion domain from SCOP 3.85 0.49
Thermolysin-like metalloproteases, C-terminal domain from SCOP 3.85 0.49
lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains from SCOP 11.54 1.48

It is formed by merging the following clusters

Cluster 1

Descend tree into cluster 1

1ab1-1 [seq. related domains] Small proteins Crambin-like
1akha-2 [seq. related domains] All alpha DNA-binding 3-helical bundle
1vnd-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha DNA-binding 3-helical bundle
1hcra-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha DNA-binding 3-helical bundle
1pdnc-2 [seq. related domains] All alpha DNA-binding 3-helical bundle
2lfb-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha DNA-binding 3-helical bundle
1hdp-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha DNA-binding 3-helical bundle
1a5j-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha DNA-binding 3-helical bundle
1pdnc-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha DNA-binding 3-helical bundle
1akha-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha DNA-binding 3-helical bundle
1acvb-2 [seq. related domains] All alpha Disulphide-bond formation facilitator (DSBA), insertion domain
1trlb-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha Thermolysin-like metalloproteases, C-terminal domain
1lbgd-5 [seq. related domains] All alpha lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
1uxd-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
2puga-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains
1aum-1 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined
1jud-2 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined
1sly-4 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined
1wjdb-1 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined
2ezi-1 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined
1nkl-1 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined
1tc3c-1 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined
2fusb-3 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined

Cluster 2

Descend tree into cluster 2

1ehs-1 [seq. related domains] Small proteins Heat-stable enterotoxin B
1lxa-2 [seq. related domains] All beta Single-stranded left-handed beta-helix Domain II
1vib-1 [seq. related domains] undefined undefined

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