3 Dee - Database of Protein Domain Definitions

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The current cluster is formed at a score of 6.446

Ascend tree (bring in more domains)

Classes% of representative set
Peptides 91.67
All alpha 8.33
Breakdown into folds% of cluster % of class
Simple helix from 3Dee 75.00 18.37
Transmembrane helical fragments from 3Dee 16.67 4.08
All alpha
Oligomers of long helices from 3Dee 8.33 0.49

It is formed by merging the following clusters

Cluster 0

All domains in cluster 0 sub-divide into single membered clusters

1zec-1 [seq. related domains] Peptides Simple helix

Cluster 1

Descend tree into cluster 1

1hup-1 [seq. related domains] All alpha Oligomers of long helices
1odr-1 [seq. related domains] Peptides Simple helix
1pei-1 [seq. related domains] Peptides Simple helix
1cdlg-1 [seq. related domains] Peptides Simple helix
3mra-1 [seq. related domains] Peptides Simple helix
1a11-1 [seq. related domains] Peptides Simple helix
2mag-1 [seq. related domains] Peptides Simple helix
2nr1-1 [seq. related domains] Peptides Simple helix
1etgb-1 [seq. related domains] Peptides Simple helix
1btr-1 [seq. related domains] Peptides Transmembrane helical fragments
1btt-1 [seq. related domains] Peptides Transmembrane helical fragments

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