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Evidence of Interaction Between MLH1 and PMS2

The interaction score between MLH1 and PMS2 is 8.55.

This page provides the details about the evidence that was used to calculate the interaction Score between the two proteins

The Scores that are listed with each module are based on the interaction score where that module provides the only source of evidence. The final Score is the integration of all the sources of evidence.

FeatureEvidenceScore (?)
Gene Expression


OrganismMLH1 OrthologuePMS2 OrthologueExperiment
AccessionInparalog ScoreAccessionInparalog Score
bakers yeast YMR167W 1 YNL082W 1
  • Y2H
  • Immunoprecipitation
  • Other
  • GelRetardationAssay
  • AffinityCaptureMS
  • AffinityCaptureWestern
  • ReconstitutedComplex
  • CoPurification
  • DosageRescue

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worm Q9XU10 1 Q9TVL8 1
  • Y2H

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fly Q9V380 1 Q9V7B6 1

The Inparalog Score is calculated by InParanoid

The experiment type Other refers to techniques other than Y2H, MS, Immunoprecipitation, SurfacePlasmonResonance, XrayDiffraction, Xlinking, CompetitionBinding, Immunofluorescence, GelRetardationAssay, AffinityChromatography, InVitroBinding, InVitro, InVivo, FarWestern, pullDown, AffinityCaptureMS, EpistaticMiniArrayProfile, AffinityCaptureWestern, BiochemicalActivity, CoCrystalStructure, FRET, ReconstitutedComplex, CoLocalization, CoPurification or CoFractionation.

Domains No domains were used in calculating likelihood of interaction 8.18E-3
Post-translational Modifications

Protein: MLH1

Proteolytic Cleavage 418 PubMed, HPRD

Protein: PMS2


Protein: MLH1

Nucleus HPRD

Protein: PMS2

Nucleus HPRD
Cytoplasm HPRD
Transitive Score

The common interactors between MLH1 and PMS2 that are considered by the Transitive module are listed below.

The Scores listed are the values used by the transitive module to calculate the final interaction Score between MLH1 andPMS2. The values listed are therefore not the final Score value for the listed interactions.

With a Score value ≥0.025 , MLH1 has 931 interactors and PMS2 has 34 interactors of which there are 26 common interactors.

Common InteractorName of Common InteractorScore for MLH1-Interactor (?)Score for PMS2-Interactor (?)
HSPA8 HSPA8, HSC70, HSP73, HSPA10: Heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein 6.64 0.354
MSH2 MSH2: DNA mismatch repair protein Msh2 6.52 0.593
PRKDC PRKDC, HYRC, HYRC1: DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit 1.81 0.027
FRAP1 FRAP1, FRAP, FRAP2: FKBP12-rapamycin complex-associated protein 0.191 0.027
STIP1 STIP1: Stress-induced-phosphoprotein 1 0.174 0.027
FANCG FANCG, XRCC9: Fanconi anemia group G protein 0.137 0.027
HSPA2 HSPA2: Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 0.071 0.071
ZC3H7A ZC3H7A, ZC3H7, HSPC055, ZC3HDC7: Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 7A 0.067 0.027
PDHX PDHX, PDX1: Pyruvate dehydrogenase protein X component, mitochondrial precursor 0.067 0.027
HSPA6 HSPA6, HSP70B': Heat shock 70 kDa protein 6 0.065 0.071
NASP NASP: Nuclear autoantigenic sperm protein 0.056 0.027
DNAJC13 DNAJC13, KIAA0678, RME8: DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 13 0.056 0.027
TOMM34 TOMM34: Mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM34 0.050 0.027
IFIT3 IFIT3, IFI60, IFIT4: Interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3 0.050 0.027
SAMD9 SAMD9, C7orf5, DRIF1, KIAA2004, OEF1: Sterile alpha motif domain-containing prot 0.050 0.027
CABIN1 CABIN1, KIAA0330: Calcineurin-binding protein Cabin 1 0.041 0.027
FBXO9 FBXO9, FBX9, VCIA1: F-box only protein 9 0.041 0.027
TTC3 TTC3, RNF105, TPRD: Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 3 0.0308 0.027
NOXA1 NOXA1, RP13-927H1.1-001: NADPH oxidase activator 1 0.027 0.027
C6orf11 FP221, WDR46, BING4, C6orf11: WD repeat-containing protein 46 0.027 0.027
TGM4 TGM4: Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 4 0.027 0.027
F8A1 F8A1, F8A: Factor VIII intron 22 protein 0.027 0.027
IFIT5 IFIT5, RI58: Interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 5 0.027 0.027
USP28 USP28, KIAA1515: Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 28 0.027 0.027
NPHP3 NPHP3, KIAA2000: Nephrocystin-3 0.027 0.027
TTC16 TTC16: Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 16 0.027 0.027
Total Score 8.55