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Evidence of Interaction Between PSMA4 and PSMA5

The interaction score between PSMA4 and PSMA5 is 4.74E5.

This page provides the details about the evidence that was used to calculate the interaction Score between the two proteins

The Scores that are listed with each module are based on the interaction score where that module provides the only source of evidence. The final Score is the integration of all the sources of evidence.

FeatureEvidenceScore (?)
Gene Expression

Pearson's Correlation between PSMA4 and PSMA5 = 0.90

The original expression data was collated from the NCBI GEO database. For further information about this dataset please refer to the NCBI GEO dataset GDS596.

OrganismPSMA4 OrthologuePSMA5 OrthologueExperiment
AccessionInparalog ScoreAccessionInparalog Score
bakers yeast YGR135W 1 YGR253C 1
  • AffinityCaptureMS

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worm Q9N599 1 Q95008 1
fly P18053 1 Q95083 1

The Inparalog Score is calculated by InParanoid

The experiment type Other refers to techniques other than Y2H, MS, Immunoprecipitation, SurfacePlasmonResonance, XrayDiffraction, Xlinking, CompetitionBinding, Immunofluorescence, GelRetardationAssay, AffinityChromatography, InVitroBinding, InVitro, InVivo, FarWestern, pullDown, AffinityCaptureMS, EpistaticMiniArrayProfile, AffinityCaptureWestern, BiochemicalActivity, CoCrystalStructure, FRET, ReconstitutedComplex, CoLocalization, CoPurification or CoFractionation.

Domains Domains present in PSMA4 and PSMA5:
Domains in PSMA4Domains in PSMA5
IPR000243 Peptidase T1A, proteasome beta-subunit
IPR001353 20S proteasome, A and B subunits
IPR000426 Proteasome alpha-subunit
IPR001353 20S proteasome, A and B subunits
IPR000426 Proteasome alpha-subunit

The Chi square scores for co-occurrence of domains that are present in PSMA4 and PSMA5 are listed below.

Domain 1Domain 2Chi Square
IPR001353 20S proteasome, A and B subunits IPR000426 Proteasome alpha-subunit 1084.67
IPR000243 Peptidase T1A, proteasome beta-subunit IPR000426 Proteasome alpha-subunit 998.751
IPR001353 20S proteasome, A and B subunits IPR001353 20S proteasome, A and B subunits 972.655
IPR000243 Peptidase T1A, proteasome beta-subunit IPR001353 20S proteasome, A and B subunits 960.483
IPR000426 Proteasome alpha-subunit IPR000426 Proteasome alpha-subunit 78.5459

The background colour of the table refers to:

  • Blue Domain is only present in PSMA4
  • Yellow Domain is only present in PSMA5
  • Green Domain is present in both PSMA4 and PSMA5

Post-translational Modifications

Protein: PSMA4


Protein: PSMA5

Phosphorylation 56 PubMed, HPRD
Phosphoserine 56 HPRD

Protein: PSMA4

Nucleus HPRD
Cytoplasm HPRD

Protein: PSMA5

Nucleus HPRD
Cytoplasm HPRD
Transitive Score

The common interactors between PSMA4 and PSMA5 that are considered by the Transitive module are listed below.

The Scores listed are the values used by the transitive module to calculate the final interaction Score between PSMA4 andPSMA5. The values listed are therefore not the final Score value for the listed interactions.

With a Score value ≥0.025 , PSMA4 has 196 interactors and PSMA5 has 1065 interactors of which there are 176 common interactors.

Common InteractorName of Common InteractorScore for PSMA4-Interactor (?)Score for PSMA5-Interactor (?)
PSMA2 PSMA2, PSC3: Proteasome subunit alpha type-2 2.07E3 1.02E4
PSMB2 PSMB2: Proteasome subunit beta type-2 691.00 691.00
PSMB7 PSMB7: Proteasome subunit beta type-7 precursor 691.00 3.41E3
PSMA3 PSMA3, PSC8: Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 691.00 3.41E3
PSMB1 PSMB1, PSC5: Proteasome subunit beta type-1 precursor 691.00 691.00
PSMA7 PSMA7: Proteasome subunit alpha type-7 323.00 1.64E3
PSMB6 PSMB6, LMPY: Proteasome subunit beta type-6 precursor 323.00 323.00
PSMA6 PSMA6, PROS27: Proteasome subunit alpha type-6 323.00 323.00
PSMB3 PSMB3: Proteasome subunit beta type-3 323.00 1.22
PSMB9 PSMB9, LMP2, RING12: Proteasome subunit beta type-9 precursor 31.70 39.30
PSMA8 PSMA8, PSMA7L: Proteasome subunit alpha type-7-like 12.60 319.00
PSMA1 PSMA1, PROS30, PSC2: Proteasome subunit alpha type-1 2.91 2.91
PSMB4 N/A 1.82 1.82
NULL RcPSMB3 (Fragment) 1.37 0.0258
PSMD4 PSMD4, MCB1: 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 4 1.01 0.040
PLK4 PLK4, SAK, STK18: Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK4 0.739 0.739
CTRL PSMB10, MECL1: Proteasome subunit beta type-10 precursor 0.666 0.666
TPR TPR: Nucleoprotein TPR 0.612 0.040
PSMB5 DKFZp686I0180: Putative uncharacterized protein DKFZp686I0180 (Fragment) 0.593 0.593
PSMA1 N/A 0.354 0.354
PSMB5 PSMB5, LMPX: Proteasome subunit beta type-5 precursor 0.265 0.265
CSNK2A1 CSNK2A1: CSNK2A1 protein 0.263 1.62
PPP2CB PPP2CB: Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit beta isoform 0.233 4.36
PLK3 PLK3, CNK, FNK, PRK: Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK3 0.225 0.225
PSMB8 PSMB8, DAQB-69D7.6-002, DASS-67H14.1-002, XXbac-BCX32M13.6-002, XXbac-BPG246D15. 0.221 0.366
PLK1 PLK1, PLK: Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK1 0.195 0.878
KIF3A KIF3A, KIF3: Kinesin-like protein KIF3A 0.181 2.53
PPP2CA PPP2CA: Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit alpha isoform 0.179 2.47
PLK2 PLK2, SNK: Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK2 0.145 0.145
MAPK6 MAPK6, ERK3, PRKM6: Mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 0.137 0.852
BUB1B BUB1B, BUBR1, MAD3L: Mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine-protein kinase BUB1 bet 0.123 0.074
CDK4 CDK4: Cell division protein kinase 4 0.123 0.763
CDK7 CDK7, MO15: Cell division protein kinase 7 0.123 0.763
STK24 STK24, MST3, STK3: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24 0.123 0.763
OXSR1 OXSR1, KIAA1101, OSR1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase OSR1 0.123 0.763
AURKB AURKB, AIK2, AIM1, ARK2, STK12: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 12 0.123 0.123
MELK MELK, KIAA0175: Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase 0.123 0.123
C20orf23 N/A 0.119 0.119
KIF17 N/A 0.119 0.119
VRK2 VRK2: Serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK2 0.0968 0.0968
NEK9 NEK9, KIAA1995, NEK8, NERCC: Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek9 0.0968 0.503
ROCK1 ROCK1: Rho-associated protein kinase 1 0.083 0.416
MAP4K1 MAP4K1, HPK1: Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 1 0.083 0.515
CSNK1G3 CSNK1G3: Casein kinase I isoform gamma-3 0.083 0.067
RIPK2 RIPK2, CARDIAK, UNQ277/PRO314/PRO34092, RICK, RIP2: Receptor-interacting serine/ 0.083 0.067
CCT2 CCT2, 99D8.1, CCTB: T-complex protein 1 subunit beta 0.081 0.822
CDK2 CDK2: Cell division protein kinase 2 0.074 0.763
WEE1 WEE1: Wee1-like protein kinase 0.074 0.372
RP6-213H19.1 MST4, MASK: Serine/threonine-protein kinase MST4 0.074 0.074
CDC7 CDC7, CDC7L1: Cell division cycle 7-related protein kinase 0.074 0.461
PRPF4B PRPF4B, KIAA0536, PRP4, PRP4H, PRP4K: Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 homol 0.074 0.461
MAP2K2 MAP2K2, MEK2, MKK2, PRKMK2: Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase ki 0.074 0.461
CSNK1A1 CSNK1A1: Casein kinase I isoform alpha 0.074 0.074
IRAK1 IRAK1, IRAK: Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 0.074 0.461
CHEK1 CHEK1, CHK1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1 0.074 0.763
VRK1 VRK1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK1 0.074 0.461
BUB1 0.074 0.123
TLK1 TLK1, KIAA0137: Serine/threonine-protein kinase tousled-like 1 0.067 0.416
DYRK4 DYRK4: Dual specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated kinase 4 0.060 0.060
AURKA AURKA, AIK, ARK1, AURA, BTAK, STK15, STK6: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 6 0.060 0.372
MAP2K1 MAP2K1, MEK1, PRKMK1: Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 0.060 0.372
PRKD3 PRKD3, EPK2, PRKCN: Serine/threonine-protein kinase D3 0.060 0.044
PIK3R4 PIK3R4: Phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulatory subunit 4 0.060 0.044
RPS6KA1 RPS6KA1, RSK1: Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-1 0.060 0.372
PKMYT1 PKMYT1, MYT1: Membrane-associated tyrosine- and threonine-specific cdc2-inhibito 0.060 0.275
RAF1 RAF1, RAF: RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 0.060 0.372
TAOK3 TAOK3, DPK, JIK, KDS, MAP3K18: Serine/threonine-protein kinase TAO3 0.060 0.372
CSNK1G2 CSNK1G2: Casein kinase I isoform gamma-2 0.060 0.060
RPS6KB1 N/A 0.060 0.372
PKN2 PKN2, PRK2, PRKCL2: Serine/threonine-protein kinase N2 0.060 0.275
PBK PBK, TOPK: Lymphokine-activated killer T-cell-originated protein kinase 0.060 0.372
STK38L STK38L, KIAA0965, NDR2: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 38-like 0.060 0.275
TTK TTK, MPS1L1: Dual specificity protein kinase TTK 0.059 0.059
CAMK2G Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase isoform A (Fragment) 0.050 0.050
STK16 N/A 0.050 0.307
KIF3C KIF3C: Kinesin-like protein KIF3C 0.047 0.038
CDK9 CDK9, CDC2L4: Cell division protein kinase 9 0.047 0.047
MAP4K2 MAP4K2, GCK, RAB8IP: Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2 0.044 0.060
ADRBK1 ADRBK1, BARK, BARK1, GRK2: Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 0.044 0.372
AKT1 AKT1, PKB, RAC: RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase 0.044 0.275
ADRBK2 ADRBK2, BARK2, GRK3: Beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 2 0.044 0.036
STK38 STK38, NDR1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 38 0.044 0.275
RPS6KB2 RPS6KB2, STK14B: Ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta-2 0.044 0.275
MAP4K5 MAP4K5: Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5 0.044 0.036
PRKD2 PRKD2, PKD2, HSPC187: Serine/threonine-protein kinase D2 0.044 0.372
STK17A STK17A, DRAK1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 17A 0.044 0.044
CLK3 CLK3: Dual specificity protein kinase CLK3 0.044 0.044
CSNK1D CSNK1D: Casein kinase I isoform delta 0.044 0.044
SNF1LK2 SNF1LK2, KIAA0781, QIK: Serine/threonine-protein kinase SNF1-like kinase 2 0.044 0.275
CRKRS CRKRS, CRK7, KIAA0904: Cell division cycle 2-related protein kinase 7 0.044 0.225
STK10 STK10: Uncharacterized protein STK10 0.044 0.275
SCYL3 SCYL3, PACE1: Protein-associating with the carboxyl-terminal domain of ezrin 0.044 0.275
NEK2 NEK2, NLK1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek2 0.044 0.044
MAPK1 MAPK1, ERK2, PRKM1, PRKM2: Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 0.044 0.275
PRKCI PRKCI, DXS1179E: Protein kinase C iota type 0.044 0.225
STK3 STK3, MST2: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 0.044 0.275
IKBKB IKBKB, IKKB: Inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta 0.041 0.251
LIMK2 LIMK2: LIM domain kinase 2 0.041 0.191
DYRK2 DYRK2: Dual specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated kinase 2 0.041 0.050
VRK3 N/A 0.041 0.041
MAP3K8 MAP3K8, COT, ESTF: Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 8 0.041 0.191
MAPKAPK2 MAPKAPK2: MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 2 0.041 0.251
MAP3K5 MAP3K5, ASK1, MAPKKK5, MEKK5: Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5 0.041 0.251
EIF2AK1 N/A 0.041 0.041
ILK ILK, ILK1, ILK2: Integrin-linked protein kinase 0.036 0.225
MAPKAPK3 MAPKAPK3: MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 3 0.036 0.225
BRAF BRAF, BRAF1, RAFB1: B-Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 0.036 0.225
PCTK2 PCTK2: Serine/threonine-protein kinase PCTAIRE-2 0.036 0.028
ARAF ARAF, ARAF1, PKS, PKS2: A-Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 0.036 0.036
MAPK12 MAPK12, ERK6, SAPK3: Mitogen-activated protein kinase 12 0.036 0.225
CSNK2A2 CSNK2A2, CK2A2: Casein kinase II subunit alpha' 0.036 0.028
IRAK4 IRAK4: Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 0.036 0.036
STK25 STK25, SOK1, YSK1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 25 0.036 0.225
PRKX PRKX, PKX1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRKX 0.036 0.036
STK11 STK11, LKB1, PJS: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 11 0.036 0.225
PIM1 N/A 0.036 0.036
CSNK1E CSNK1E: Casein kinase I isoform epsilon 0.036 0.171
WNK1 WNK1, KDP, KIAA0344, PRKWNK1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK1 0.036 0.036
NEK7 NEK7: Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek7 0.036 0.225
KIF3B KIF3B, KIAA0359: Kinesin-like protein KIF3B 0.0363 0.0294
ACVR2A ACVR2A, ACVR2: Activin receptor type-2A precursor 0.035 0.035
GAK GAK: Cyclin G-associated kinase 0.035 0.035
PRKR EIF2AK2, PKR, PRKR: Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein ki 0.032 0.166
NEK1 NEK1, KIAA1901: Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek1 0.0308 0.191
PASK PASK, KIAA0135: PAS domain-containing serine/threonine-protein kinase 0.0308 0.251
MAP2K3 MAP2K3, MEK3, MKK3, PRKMK3: Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase ki 0.0308 0.191
RIPK1 RIPK1, RIP: Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 0.0308 0.191
SRPK2 SRPK2: Serine/threonine-protein kinase SRPK2 0.0308 0.191
PRKAA1 N/A 0.0308 0.191
PSMB8 PSMB8, LMP7, RING10, Y2: Proteasome subunit beta type-8 precursor 0.0288 0.0288
PSMB4 PSMB4: Proteasome subunit beta type-4 precursor 0.0288 0.617
CDK6 CDK6: Cell division protein kinase 6 0.028 0.136
SGK3 SGK3, SGK2, SGKL: Serine/threonine-protein kinase Sgk3 0.028 0.171
STK4 STK4, MST1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 0.028 0.171
MAPK13 MAPK13, PRKM13, SAPK4: Mitogen-activated protein kinase 13 0.028 0.225
PSKH1 PSKH1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase H1 0.028 0.171
E2IG3 N/A 0.027 0.027
DKFZP586L0724 NOL11, L14: Nucleolar protein 11 0.027 0.027
HSPC185 CGI-117, HSPC111: UPF0384 protein CGI-117 0.027 0.027
PTGES3 PTGES3, P23, TEBP: Prostaglandin E synthase 3 0.027 0.053
SERBP1 N/A 0.027 0.027
BUB3 N/A 0.027 0.027
DGUOK N/A 0.027 0.027
NOLC1 NOLC1, KIAA0035: Nucleolar phosphoprotein p130 0.027 0.053
RTCD1 RTCD1, RPC, RPC1, RTC1: RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase 0.027 0.027
ILF2 ILF2, NF45, PRO3063: Interleukin enhancer-binding factor 2 0.027 0.027
PTD004 N/A 0.027 0.027
MRPL22 MRPL22, HSPC158: 39S ribosomal protein L22, mitochondrial precursor 0.027 0.027
HNRPD N/A 0.027 0.027
PSME3 PSME3: Proteasome activator complex subunit 3 0.027 0.053
SNRPE SNRPE: Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein E 0.027 0.027
ERN2 ERN2, IRE2: Serine/threonine-protein kinase/endoribonuclease IRE2 precursor 0.027 0.027
EIF2AK3 EIF2AK3, PEK, PERK: Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 3 pr 0.027 0.027
MAPK8 MAPK8, JNK1, PRKM8: Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 0.027 0.165
CAMKK1 CAMKK1, CAMKKA: Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 1 0.027 0.027
GRK7 GRK7, GPRK7: G protein-coupled receptor kinase 7 precursor 0.027 0.056
MAPK15 N/A 0.027 0.165
MAPK9 MAPK9, JNK2, PRKM9: Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9 0.027 0.165
ANKK1 ANKK1, PKK2, SGK288: Ankyrin repeat and protein kinase domain-containing protein 0.027 0.027
BMP2K BMP2K, BIKE, HRIHFB2017: BMP-2-inducible protein kinase 0.027 0.165
MAPK10 MAPK10, JNK3, JNK3A, PRKM10: Mitogen-activated protein kinase 10 0.027 0.165
NEK11 NEK11: Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek11 0.027 0.027
DYRK1A DYRK1A, DYRK, MNB, MNBH: Dual specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated kin 0.027 0.165
ALS2CR7 ALS2CR7: Serine/threonine-protein kinase ALS2CR7 0.027 0.027
CDC2L1 CDC2L1, PITSLREA, PK58: PITSLRE serine/threonine-protein kinase CDC2L1 0.027 0.165
MAPKAPK5 N/A 0.027 0.165
CDC2L2 CDC2L2, CDC2L3, PITSLREB: PITSLRE serine/threonine-protein kinase CDC2L2 0.027 0.165
PRKACB PRKACB: cAMP-dependent protein kinase, beta-catalytic subunit 0.027 0.056
MAP2K5 N/A 0.027 0.165
PKN1 PKN1, PKN, PRK1, PRKCL1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase N1 0.027 0.165
PDIK1L PDIK1L, CLIK1L: Serine/threonine-protein kinase PDIK1L 0.027 0.027
STK35 STK35, CLIK1, PDIK1: Serine/threonine-protein kinase 35 0.027 0.027
CDC2L2 N/A 0.027 0.027
RIPK5 RIPK5, KIAA0472, HDCMD38P, RIP5, SGK496: Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-p 0.027 0.027
NEK4 NEK4, STK2: Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek4 0.027 0.027
MINK1 MAP4K6, MINK1, MINK: Misshapen-like kinase 1 0.027 0.165
Total Score 4.74E5