[Dundee Uni] [Jpred]

The Barton Group

A method for protein secondary structure prediction

**These pages are for reference only.**
Jpred3 is the current version and is here
Prediction Submit a protein sequence for secondary structure prediction
New? What's new on Jpred?
FAQ Answer your questions about Jpred
Tips Secondary structure prediction tips and pointers
Example What you can expect to do with the Jpred server
Accuracy How accurate is the Jpred server?
Technical How does the Jpred server work?
Data Data used to test and validate Jpred (No Jnet specific data)
Jnet Jnet - download the current version of Jnet to run locally
References Links to the people and algorithms that made the Jpred server possible
Credits Who's responsible for what
Mailing List A mailing list on the subject of Jpred and Jnet

*please* report any errors to: www-jpred@compbio.dundee.ac.uk