Download clinod v. 1.2

The newer version of clinod 1.3 support all features of 1.2 plus:

Command Line NoD predictor help

The command line NoD predictor (clinod v. 1.2) can be run from the command line to predict Nucleolar localization sequences (NoLSs) that are short targeting sequences responsible for the localization of proteins to the nucleolus.
The predictor accepts a list of FASTA formatted sequences as an input and outputs the NOLS predictions as a result.
Please note that currently, JPred secondary structure predictions are not supported by clinod. However, we are working on it.


clinod requires Java 6 and SNNS Batch Interpreter V1.0 executable which is a part of the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS) v 4.2 software suite available free of charge from
The path to the batchman executable can be specified either as BATCHMAN_PATH environmental variable or provided as a command line parameter.

How to run

Example 1:

clinod-1.2.jar -in=inputFile

The predictor loads input from inputFile, prints the predictions to the console, makes use of the system's temporary directory to store the temporary files and uses the number of threads equal to the number of processor cores available on the executing machine. This example assumes that BATCHMAN_PATH environmental variable is defined.

Example 2:

clinod-1.2.jar -in=/homes/input.fs -out=/homes/out.txt -t=1 
	   -d=/homes/tmp -bm=/homes/bin/batchman -nonols -f=MINIMAL

The predictor loads the input from the /homes/input.fs, writes output to /homes/out.txt, uses a single thread to perform calculations, writes temporary files to /homes/tmp, uses the Batchman binary from /homes/bin directory, reports results in the MINIMAL format and only for the sequences where at least one NOLS has been detected.

Output formats

An example of the COMPLETE output format

NOLS_segment_number: 2
NOLS_segments_positions: 1-20, 165-213

The COMPLETE output format provides the following information:

  1. the sequence name provided by the user
  2. the full sequence provided for prediction by the user
  3. the number of NoLS segments predicted in the full sequence
  4. the positions of the predicted NoLS segments in the full sequence (the first residue of the full sequence is position 1). If more than one NoLS is predicted, the positions are comma-separated
  5. the sequence of the predicted NoLS segments (if more than one NoLS is predicted, the sequences are comma-separated)
  6. NoLS scores for every window of size 20 in the full sequence, one score per line. The scores are associate with the first residue of the window. Windows with a score above 0.8 are predicted as NoLSs.

Short output formats description:

MINIMAL - contains the sequence name and the number of NOLS detected.

SHORT - same as MINIMAL plus coordinates of the NOLS

MEDIUM (the default output format) - same as SHORT plus NOLS sequences reported separately

FULL - same as MEDIUM plus scores for each position of the sequence.

COMPLETE - same as FULL plus the original sequence

Performance considerations

NolsPredictor writes 4 temporary files for a single FASTA sequence, therefore for optimal performance the directory for temporary file storage should ideally be located on the local hard drive, as opposed to the remote storage.

The predictor throughput rate is about 2 sequences per second an the average computer.

Supported options

       java -jar clinod-1.2.jar -in=inputFile <OPTIONS>
-in=<input file> - required, absolute path to the input file. The input file expected to contain the list of FASTA formatted sequences.
-out=<output file> - optional, by default the system prints the output to the console. If the file exists it will be overridden.
-f=<output format> - optional, defaults to MEDIUM. Possible values COMPLETE, FULL, MEDIUM, SHORT and MINIMAL (case sensitive)
-d=<working directory> - optional, defaults to the system temp directory (defined by the "" environmental variable) If the directory does not exist, it will be created. However the parent directory must exist. For example if working directory is set to /home/tmp and home directory does not exist then the execution will be terminated. If the home directory exist but tmp directory does not, the tmp directory will be created. If the /home/tmp directory exist then it will be used. If the /home/tmp directory is not empty, then any files with the same name as generated by the program will be overridden.
-t=<number of threads> - optional, defaults to the number of cores available on the computer. Maximum number of threads cannot be greater than the number of available cores. If multiple threads are used then the order of the sequences in the output is not the same as in the input.
-bm=<batchman path> - optional, an absolute path to the Batchman executable. By default this path is searched in the environmental variable called BATCHMAN_PATH. If both are provided, the path specified in the command line takes preference. One or the other must be provided.
-nonols - optional, suppresses reporting of the proteins with no NOLS detected if specified.
-clean_sequence - optional, if specified causes the predictor to automatically remove all non-protein characters from the sequences that contains them.
  The predictor only works with unambiguous protein sequences. Only the following characters considered to be valid: ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV. If any other character is detected in the sequence the predictor stops the execution and raises the exception unless this flag is specified. In this case, the predictor removes invalid characters from the sequence and writes the information about it into the log file.
-h - print help (this information). If this flag is given all other options are ignored.


NolsPredictor uses the Apache log4j library for logging. With its help it is possible to track the execution progress or peer into the details of the execution of the program which can help to resolve issues. For this log4j should be configured to log all events at the INFO level. Level DEBUG or TRACE can help if you are experiencing problems with the predictor.

Example log4j configuration:

logDir = .
log4j.logger.NOD=INFO, ACTIVITY
%-5p %3x - %m%n

This configuration creates a log file called activity.log in the current working directory and records all events from the program at the level INFO. The activity file is renamed to activity.1 once it reaches the 10 Mb size and the new activity.log file is created.

To configure log4j, the configuration should be written into the file called and put into the same directory as the program. By default log4j is configured to output only the error messages to the console.

Contact details

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