Protein: TMSB4X

Protein Summary:

Below is all the known data within the database for the protein TMSB4X

Clicking on the database references takes you through to that entry.

Protein NameTMSB4XIPI ReferenceIPI00220828
Protein DescriptionTMSB4X, TB4X, THYB4, TMSB4: Thymosin beta-4
No. Interactions when score ≥ 25000
No. Interactions when score ≥ 2500
No. Interactions when score ≥ 251
No. Interactions when score ≥ 12.51
No. Interactions when score ≥ 2.56
No. Interactions when score ≥ 116
Interactions in other databases:
No. of interactions in other databases12
No. Interactions in DIP0
No. Interactions in HPRD12
No. Interactions in OPHID4
Other database reference links
RefSeqHPRD RefUni-Prot RefEntrez Gene Ref

View the Interaction Network:

To view a network of proteins that are predicted to interact with TMSB4X please select the required minimum interaction score, the depth away from TMSB4X that you would like to search and if you want to view the proteins that are predicted to interact with other listed proteins or not.

Minimum Score:
Include single interacting proteins: Yes: No:

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