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Evidence of Interaction Between RFX1 and RFX2

The interaction score between RFX1 and RFX2 is 276.00.

This page provides the details about the evidence that was used to calculate the interaction Score between the two proteins

The Scores that are listed with each module are based on the interaction score where that module provides the only source of evidence. The final Score is the integration of all the sources of evidence.

FeatureEvidenceScore (?)
Gene Expression


OrganismRFX1 OrthologueRFX2 OrthologueExperiment
AccessionInparalog ScoreAccessionInparalog Score
human IPI00298182 0.468 IPI00102829 0.594
  • InVivo

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human IPI00102829 0.275 IPI00102829 0.594
  • InVitro

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human IPI00298182 0.468 IPI00419901 0.131
  • Other
  • Y2H
  • InVivo
  • InVitro

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human IPI00102829 0.275 IPI00419901 0.131
  • InVitro
  • InVivo

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human IPI00298182 0.468 IPI00219885 0.108
  • Other
  • Y2H

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human IPI00102829 0.275 IPI00219885 0.108
  • Y2H

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bakers yeast YLR176C 0.468 YLR176C 1
  • pullDown

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worm Q09555 1 Q09555 0.242
fly Q9VGZ6 0.268 Q9VGZ6 0.383

The Inparalog Score is calculated by InParanoid

The experiment type Other refers to techniques other than Y2H, MS, Immunoprecipitation, SurfacePlasmonResonance, XrayDiffraction, Xlinking, CompetitionBinding, Immunofluorescence, GelRetardationAssay, AffinityChromatography, InVitroBinding, InVitro, InVivo, FarWestern, pullDown, AffinityCaptureMS, EpistaticMiniArrayProfile, AffinityCaptureWestern, BiochemicalActivity, CoCrystalStructure, FRET, ReconstitutedComplex, CoLocalization, CoPurification or CoFractionation.

Domains Domains present in RFX1 and RFX2:
Domains in RFX1Domains in RFX2
IPR002173 Carbohydrate kinase, PfkB
IPR003150 DNA-binding RFX
IPR007668 RFX1 transcription activation region
IPR011991 Wing_hlx_DNA_bd.
IPR003150 DNA-binding RFX
IPR007668 RFX1 transcription activation region
IPR011991 Wing_hlx_DNA_bd.

The Chi square scores for co-occurrence of domains that are present in RFX1 and RFX2 are listed below.

Domain 1Domain 2Chi Square
IPR003150 DNA-binding RFX IPR007668 RFX1 transcription activation region 3324.75
IPR003150 DNA-binding RFX IPR003150 DNA-binding RFX 2415.75
IPR007668 RFX1 transcription activation region IPR007668 RFX1 transcription activation region 1849.83
IPR007668 RFX1 transcription activation region IPR011991 Wing_hlx_DNA_bd. 139.403
IPR003150 DNA-binding RFX IPR011991 Wing_hlx_DNA_bd. 98.4697
IPR011991 Wing_hlx_DNA_bd. IPR011991 Wing_hlx_DNA_bd. 27.7932

The background colour of the table refers to:

  • Blue Domain is only present in RFX1
  • Yellow Domain is only present in RFX2
  • Green Domain is present in both RFX1 and RFX2

Post-translational Modifications

Protein: RFX1

Phosphorylation 120 PubMed, HPRD
Phosphoserine 120 HPRD

Protein: RFX2


Protein: RFX1

Nucleus HPRD

Protein: RFX2

Nucleus HPRD
Transitive Score

The common interactors between RFX1 and RFX2 that are considered by the Transitive module are listed below.

The Scores listed are the values used by the transitive module to calculate the final interaction Score between RFX1 andRFX2. The values listed are therefore not the final Score value for the listed interactions.

With a Score value ≥0.025 , RFX1 has 523 interactors and RFX2 has 91 interactors of which there are 57 common interactors.

Common InteractorName of Common InteractorScore for RFX1-Interactor (?)Score for RFX2-Interactor (?)
RFX3 RFX3: Transcription factor RFX3 6.22 12.60
BTAF1 BTAF1, TAF172: TATA-binding protein-associated factor 172 2.61 1.94
SMARCA5 SMARCA5, SNF2H, WCRF135: SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regul 1.63 1.28
SMARCA2 SMARCA2, BRM, SNF2A, SNF2L2: Probable global transcription activator SNF2L2 1.33 0.354
HIST1H4A HIST1H4A, H4/A, HIST1H4B, H4/I, H4/G, HIST1H4D, H4/B, H4/J, HIST1H4F, HIST4H4, H 1.22 0.354
RFX4 RFX4: Regulatory factor X4, isoform c 1.11 1.37
SMARCA1 SMARCA1, SNF2L, SNF2L1: Probable global transcription activator SNF2L1 0.997 0.257
TAF6 TAF6, TAF2E, TAFII70: Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 6 0.995 0.354
UTX UTX: Ubiquitously transcribed X chromosome tetratricopeptide repeat protein 0.877 0.354
TAF1L TAF1L: Transcription initiation factor TFIID 210 kDa subunit 0.682 1.27
YWHAE YWHAE: 14-3-3 protein epsilon 0.449 0.196
SMARCC2 SMARCC2, BAF170: SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of 0.390 1.94
TAF1 TAF1, BA2R, CCG1, CCGS, TAF2A: Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 1 0.191 0.027
RFX5 RFX5: DNA-binding protein RFX5 0.174 0.265
ELF2 ELF2, NERF: ETS-related transcription factor Elf-2 0.165 0.027
NFATC2 NFATC2, NFAT1, NFATP: Nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic 2 0.165 0.027
HTATIP HTATIP, TIP60: Histone acetyltransferase HTATIP 0.165 0.027
FOXM1 FOXM1, FKHL16, HFH11, MPP2, WIN: Forkhead box protein M1 0.165 0.027
NFATC3 NFATC3, NFAT4: Nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic 3 0.165 0.027
GTF2F2 N/A 0.152 0.027
FOXJ2 FOXJ2, FHX: Forkhead box protein J2 0.123 0.027
E2F1 E2F1, RBBP3: Transcription factor E2F1 0.123 0.027
DDIT3 DDIT3, CHOP, GADD153: DNA damage-inducible transcript 3 0.123 0.027
ETV1 ETV1, ER81: ETS translocation variant 1 0.123 0.027
SMARCA4 SMARCA4: SMARCA4 isoform 2 0.119 0.593
BATF BATF: Basic leucine zipper transcriptional factor ATF-like 0.109 0.027
CEBPA CEBPA: CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha 0.109 0.027
BAZ1B BAZ1B, WBSC10, WBSCR10, WBSCR9, WSTF: Bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 0.109 0.027
IRF3 IRF3: Interferon regulatory factor 3 0.109 0.027
BACH1 BACH1: Transcription regulator protein BACH1 0.109 0.027
SMARCA4 SMARCA4, BRG1, SNF2B, SNF2L4: Probable global transcription activator SNF2L4 0.109 0.027
RB1 RB1: Retinoblastoma-associated protein 0.109 0.027
ERG ERG: Transcriptional regulator ERG 0.109 0.027
ETS2 ETS2: Protein C-ets-2 0.109 0.027
TRIM28 TRIM28, KAP1, RNF96, TIF1B: Transcription intermediary factor 1-beta 0.109 0.027
ERF ERF: ETS domain-containing transcription factor ERF 0.109 0.027
NFATC1 N/A 0.109 0.027
H1FX H1FX: Histone H1x 0.098 0.027
ELF1 ELF1: ETS-related transcription factor Elf-1 0.098 0.027
TAF1 N/A 0.071 0.354
SMARCC1 N/A 0.064 0.119
UTY N/A 0.064 0.119
TTF1 N/A 0.064 0.119
NRL NRL: Neural retina-specific leucine zipper protein 0.041 0.027
RFXDC1 RFXDC1: Regulatory factor X domain containing 1 0.038 0.071
ESR1 N/A 0.0288 0.0288
SPIC SPIC: Transcription factor Spi-C 0.027 0.027
C20orf116 C20orf116: Uncharacterized protein C20orf116 precursor 0.027 0.027
NFAT5 NFAT5, KIAA0827, TONEBP: Nuclear factor of activated T-cells 5 0.027 0.027
IRF7 IRF7: Interferon regulatory factor 7 0.027 0.027
FOXQ1 FOXQ1, HFH1: Forkhead box protein Q1 0.027 0.027
BRWD1 N/A 0.027 0.027
PAX3 PAX3, HUP2: Paired box protein Pax-3 0.027 0.027
CREM hCREM-1: HCREM 1alpha protein 0.027 0.027
HSFY1 HSFY1, HSF2L, HSFY: Heat shock transcription factor, Y-linked 0.027 0.027
HILS1 HILS1: Spermatid-specific linker histone H1-like protein 0.027 0.027
CREM CREM, RP11-324I22.1-005: cAMP responsive element modulator 0.027 0.027
Total Score 276.00