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Evidence of Interaction Between MCM3 and MCM7

The interaction score between MCM3 and MCM7 is 4.78E4.

This page provides the details about the evidence that was used to calculate the interaction Score between the two proteins

The Scores that are listed with each module are based on the interaction score where that module provides the only source of evidence. The final Score is the integration of all the sources of evidence.

FeatureEvidenceScore (?)
Gene Expression

Pearson's Correlation between MCM3 and MCM7 = 0.91

The original expression data was collated from the NCBI GEO database. For further information about this dataset please refer to the NCBI GEO dataset GDS596.

OrganismMCM3 OrthologueMCM7 OrthologueExperiment
AccessionInparalog ScoreAccessionInparalog Score
bakers yeast YEL032W 1 YBR202W 1
  • Y2H
  • DosageRescue

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worm Q9XVR7 1 O16297 1
fly P91675 1 Q9XYU0 1

The Inparalog Score is calculated by InParanoid

The experiment type Other refers to techniques other than Y2H, MS, Immunoprecipitation, SurfacePlasmonResonance, XrayDiffraction, Xlinking, CompetitionBinding, Immunofluorescence, GelRetardationAssay, AffinityChromatography, InVitroBinding, InVitro, InVivo, FarWestern, pullDown, AffinityCaptureMS, EpistaticMiniArrayProfile, AffinityCaptureWestern, BiochemicalActivity, CoCrystalStructure, FRET, ReconstitutedComplex, CoLocalization, CoPurification or CoFractionation.

Domains Domains present in MCM3 and MCM7:
Domains in MCM3Domains in MCM7
IPR003593 AAA ATPase
IPR008994 Nucleic acid-binding OB-fold
IPR001208 MCM
IPR008046 MCM protein 3
IPR003593 AAA ATPase
IPR001208 MCM
IPR008050 MCM protein 7

The Chi square scores for co-occurrence of domains that are present in MCM3 and MCM7 are listed below.

Domain 1Domain 2Chi Square
IPR001208 MCM IPR001208 MCM 364.867
IPR001208 MCM IPR008050 MCM protein 7 315.618
IPR008994 Nucleic acid-binding OB-fold IPR001208 MCM 301.459
IPR008994 Nucleic acid-binding OB-fold IPR008050 MCM protein 7 169.761
IPR003593 AAA ATPase IPR001208 MCM 127.202
IPR003593 AAA ATPase IPR003593 AAA ATPase 89.0695
IPR008994 Nucleic acid-binding OB-fold IPR003593 AAA ATPase 36.1462
IPR003593 AAA ATPase IPR008050 MCM protein 7 15.8734

The background colour of the table refers to:

  • Blue Domain is only present in MCM3
  • Yellow Domain is only present in MCM7
  • Green Domain is present in both MCM3 and MCM7

Post-translational Modifications

Protein: MCM3

Phosphorylation 713 PubMed, HPRD
Phosphorylation 722 PubMed, HPRD
Phosphoserine 535 PubMed, HPRD
Phosphothreonine 713 HPRD
Phosphothreonine 722 HPRD

Protein: MCM7


Protein: MCM3

Nucleus HPRD
Nucleoplasm HPRD

Protein: MCM7

Nucleus HPRD
Nucleoplasm HPRD
Cytoplasm HPRD
Transitive Score

The common interactors between MCM3 and MCM7 that are considered by the Transitive module are listed below.

The Scores listed are the values used by the transitive module to calculate the final interaction Score between MCM3 andMCM7. The values listed are therefore not the final Score value for the listed interactions.

With a Score value ≥0.025 , MCM3 has 1106 interactors and MCM7 has 165 interactors of which there are 157 common interactors.

Common InteractorName of Common InteractorScore for MCM3-Interactor (?)Score for MCM7-Interactor (?)
MCM2 MCM2, BM28, CCNL1, CDCL1, KIAA0030: DNA replication licensing factor MCM2 1.29E3 209.00
MCM4 MCM4, CDC21: DNA replication licensing factor MCM4 1.29E3 69.60
MCM6 MCM6: DNA replication licensing factor MCM6 209.00 0.789
MCM5 MCM5, CDC46: DNA replication licensing factor MCM5 209.00 69.60
CCNB2 CCNB2: G2/mitotic-specific cyclin-B2 69.60 0.263
CDC7 CDC7, CDC7L1: Cell division cycle 7-related protein kinase 63.90 1.82
CCNB1 Cyclin B1 40.60 0.263
PCNA PCNA: Proliferating cell nuclear antigen 1.62 0.789
EIF2S1 EIF2S1, EIF2A: Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 1 1.62 0.123
CDC6 CDC6, CDC18L: Cell division control protein 6 homolog 1.62 69.60
E2F1 E2F1, RBBP3: Transcription factor E2F1 0.852 0.293
DNMT1 DNMT1, AIM, DNMT: DNA 0.852 0.137
SMC1L1 SMC1A, DXS423E, KIAA0178, SB1.8, SMC1, SMC1L1: Structural maintenance of chromos 0.822 0.038
YARS YARS: Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase, cytoplasmic 0.763 0.074
YBX1 YBX1, NSEP1, YB1: Nuclease sensitive element-binding protein 1 0.763 0.123
ORC1L ORC1L, ORC1, PARC1: Origin recognition complex subunit 1 0.763 0.123
RFC5 RFC5: Replication factor C subunit 5 0.620 0.207
MCM10 MCM10, PRO2249: Protein MCM10 homolog 0.593 0.593
BARD1 BARD1: BRCA1-associated RING domain protein 1 0.515 0.053
BRCA2 BRCA2, FACD, FANCD1: Breast cancer type 2 susceptibility protein 0.515 0.067
RB1 RB1: Retinoblastoma-associated protein 0.515 0.083
PSMC2 PSMC2, MSS1: 26S protease regulatory subunit 7 0.503 0.059
TRIP13 TRIP13: Thyroid receptor-interacting protein 13 0.503 0.059
ATAD2 ATAD2, L16, PRO2000: ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein 2 0.503 0.0968
PIP5K3 PIP5K3, KIAA0981, PIKFYVE: FYVE finger-containing phosphoinositide kinase 0.461 0.060
EIF2B5 EIF2B5, EIF2BE: Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit epsilon 0.461 0.060
MTA1 MTA1: Metastasis-associated protein MTA1 0.461 0.074
GTF2F1 GTF2F1, RAP74: Transcription initiation factor IIF subunit alpha 0.461 0.074
ELF1 ELF1: ETS-related transcription factor Elf-1 0.416 0.050
EIF5AP1 EIF5A: Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1 0.416 0.067
MDN1 MDN1, KIAA0301: Midasin 0.372 0.060
EXOSC2 EXOSC2, RRP4: Exosome complex exonuclease RRP4 0.372 0.044
GTF2B GTF2B, TF2B, TFIIB: Transcription initiation factor IIB 0.372 0.060
ETV6 ETV6, TEL, TEL1: Transcription factor ETV6 0.372 0.044
RPA2 RPA2, REPA2, RPA32, RPA34: Replication protein A 32 kDa subunit 0.372 0.044
TOP2A TOP2A, TOP2: DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha 0.307 0.049
IRF3 IRF3: Interferon regulatory factor 3 0.307 0.041
FXR1 FXR1: Fragile X mental retardation syndrome-related protein 1 0.304 0.059
PSMC1 PSMC1: 26S protease regulatory subunit 4 0.304 0.059
DHX15 DHX15, DBP1, DDX15: Putative pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase 0.293 0.137
HSF2 HSF2, HSTF2: Heat shock factor protein 2 0.275 0.036
CCNA2 CCNA2, CCN1, CCNA: Cyclin-A2 0.263 0.263
RPA1 RPA1, REPA1, RPA70: Replication protein A 70 kDa DNA-binding subunit 0.263 0.123
ABCE1 ABCE1, RLI, OK/SW-cl.40, RNASEL1, RNASELI, RNS4I: ATP-binding cassette sub-famil 0.263 0.123
POLR2H POLR2H: DNA-directed RNA polymerases I, II, and III subunit RPABC3 0.257 0.123
GTF2F2 N/A 0.251 0.041
H1FX H1FX: Histone H1x 0.251 0.050
ERG ERG: Transcriptional regulator ERG 0.251 0.041
VCP VCP: Transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase 0.245 0.047
KARS KARS, KIAA0070: Lysyl-tRNA synthetase 0.231 0.108
TAF9 AK6, AD-004, CGI-137: Adenylate kinase isoenzyme 6 0.231 0.108
CCNL1 CCNL1, BM-001, UNQ530/PRO1073: Cyclin-L1 0.225 0.028
CCNH CCNH: Cyclin-H 0.225 0.028
HIST1H1D HIST1H1D, H1F3: Histone H1.3 0.225 0.028
CSDA CSDA, DBPA: DNA-binding protein A 0.225 0.044
HSF1 HSF1, HSTF1: Heat shock factor protein 1 0.225 0.036
HIST1H1E HIST1H1E, H1F4: Histone H1.4 0.225 0.028
RFC4 RFC4: Replication factor C subunit 4 0.207 0.207
PLK4 PLK4, SAK, STK18: Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK4 0.207 0.207
RFC3 RFC3: Replication factor C subunit 3 0.207 0.207
SRPR SRPR: Uncharacterized protein SRPR 0.202 0.032
CDC45L CDC45L, CDC45L2, UNQ374/PRO710: CDC45-related protein 0.196 0.196
ERF ERF: ETS domain-containing transcription factor ERF 0.191 0.0308
FOXJ2 FOXJ2, FHX: Forkhead box protein J2 0.191 0.0308
FOXO3A FOXO3A, FKHRL1: Forkhead box protein O3A 0.171 0.028
ELF2 ELF2, NERF: ETS-related transcription factor Elf-2 0.165 0.027
HTATIP HTATIP, TIP60: Histone acetyltransferase HTATIP 0.165 0.027
FOXM1 FOXM1, FKHL16, HFH11, MPP2, WIN: Forkhead box protein M1 0.165 0.027
CUL2 CUL2: Cullin-2 0.156 0.044
FEN1 FEN1, RAD2: Flap endonuclease 1 0.144 0.0739
CCNF CCNF: G2/mitotic-specific cyclin-F 0.137 0.137
RFX5 RFX5: DNA-binding protein RFX5 0.137 0.083
CCNG1 CCNG1, CCNG, CYCG1: Cyclin-G1 0.123 0.074
MRPS28 MRPS28, MRPS35, HSPC007: Mitochondrial 28S ribosomal protein S28 0.123 0.074
SCYE1 SCYE1, EMAP2: Multisynthetase complex auxiliary component p43 [Contains: Endothe 0.123 0.060
ASCC3 ASCC3, HELIC1: Activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 3 0.123 0.060
ORC6L ORC6L: Origin recognition complex subunit 6 0.123 0.123
ORC2L ORC2L, ORC2: Origin recognition complex subunit 2 0.123 0.123
SSBP1 SSBP1, SSBP: Single-stranded DNA-binding protein, mitochondrial precursor 0.117 0.055
SRP54 SRP54: Signal recognition particle 54 kDa protein 0.0968 0.059
ATAD3A ATAD3A: ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein 3A 0.0968 0.0968
DARS DARS, PIG40: Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase, cytoplasmic 0.0968 0.059
PSMC3 PSMC3, TBP1: 26S protease regulatory subunit 6A 0.0968 0.0968
RUVBL1 RUVBL1, NMP238, TIP49, TIP49A: RuvB-like 1 0.0968 0.059
POT1 POT1: Protection of telomeres protein 1 0.083 0.083
C18orf56 N/A 0.082 0.082
C22orf18 N/A 0.082 0.027
POLR2G POLR2G: DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB7 0.074 0.060
EIF1AX EIF1AX, EIF1A, EIF4C: Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, X-chromosomal 0.074 0.060
XRCC3 XRCC3: DNA-repair protein XRCC3 0.074 0.074
GTF2E2 GTF2E2, TF2E2: Transcription initiation factor IIE subunit beta 0.074 0.044
RPS23 RPS23: 40S ribosomal protein S23 0.074 0.060
RP4-691N24.2 GINS1, KIAA0186, PSF1: DNA replication complex GINS protein PSF1 0.0739 0.0739
ADAR ADAR, ADAR1, DSRAD, G1P1, IFI4: Double-stranded RNA-specific adenosine deaminase 0.067 0.050
ORC3L ORC3L, LATHEO: Origin recognition complex subunit 3 0.067 0.050
IRF4 IRF4, MUM1: Interferon regulatory factor 4 0.067 0.041
TFDP1 TFDP1, DP1: Transcription factor Dp-1 0.060 0.074
CCNC CCNC: Cyclin-C 0.060 0.044
E2F3 E2F3, KIAA0075: Transcription factor E2F3 0.060 0.044
CCND2 CCND2: G1/S-specific cyclin-D2 0.060 0.036
DVL2 DVL2: Segment polarity protein dishevelled homolog DVL-2 0.059 0.047
PSMC6 PSMC6, SUG2: 26S protease regulatory subunit S10B 0.059 0.059
XAB1 XAB1, MBDIN, HUSSY-23: XPA-binding protein 1 0.055 0.0331
TPX2 TPX2, C20orf1, C20orf2, DIL2, HCA519: Targeting protein for Xklp2 0.053 0.027
GMNN GMNN: Geminin 0.053 0.027
OBFC1 OBFC1: Oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding fold-containing protein 1 0.050 0.041
ELF4 ELF4, ELFR, MEF: ETS-related transcription factor Elf-4 0.050 0.041
IRF5 IRF5: Interferon regulatory factor 5 0.050 0.041
RUVBL2 RUVBL2, TIP48, CGI-46, TIP49B: RuvB-like 2 0.047 0.047
NARS NARS, ASNS: Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase, cytoplasmic 0.047 0.035
H1F0 H1F0, H1FV: Histone H1.0 0.046 0.036
CCND3 CCND3: G1/S-specific cyclin-D3 0.044 0.044
MYST3 MYST3, MOZ, RUNXBP2, ZNF220: Histone acetyltransferase MYST3 0.044 0.036
GABPA GABPA, E4TF1A: GA-binding protein alpha chain 0.044 0.036
IRF2 IRF2: Interferon regulatory factor 2 0.041 0.0308
PAX5 PAX5: Paired box protein Pax-5 0.036 0.028
E2F5 E2F5: Transcription factor E2F5 0.036 0.028
EIF1AY EIF1AY: Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, Y-chromosomal 0.036 0.044
GCLC GCLC, GLCL, GLCLC: Glutamate--cysteine ligase catalytic subunit 0.036 0.044
CCNI CCNI: Cyclin-I 0.036 0.028
FLI1 FLI1: Friend leukemia integration 1 transcription factor 0.036 0.028
CCNL2 CCNL2, SB138: Cyclin-L2 0.036 0.036
VPS4A VPS4A, VPS4: Vacuolar protein sorting-associating protein 4A 0.035 0.029
NUBP1 NUBP1, NBP, NBP1: Nucleotide-binding protein 1 0.035 0.029
BCS1L BCS1L, BCS1: Mitochondrial chaperone BCS1 0.035 0.029
PRSS15 LONP1, PRSS15: Lon protease homolog, mitochondrial precursor 0.0331 0.027
E2F2 E2F2: Transcription factor E2F2 0.0308 0.0308
RAD51C RAD51C, RAD51L2: DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 3 0.030 0.030
PEX1 PEX1: Peroxisome biogenesis factor 1 0.029 0.029
NAB1 NAB1: NGFI-A-binding protein 1 0.028 0.028
MYST1 MYST1, MOF, PP7073: Probable histone acetyltransferase MYST1 0.028 0.028
DVL1 DVL1: Segment polarity protein dishevelled homolog DVL-1 0.028 0.036
KIAA0101 PAF, KIAA0101, L5, NS5ATP9: PCNA-associated factor 0.027 0.027
MCM10 N/A 0.027 0.027
HMMR HMMR: Hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor 0.027 0.027
DUT DUT: Deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase, mitochondrial precursor 0.027 0.027
TMPO N/A 0.027 0.027
ZWINT N/A 0.027 0.027
CDCA8 CDCA8, PESCRG3: Borealin 0.027 0.027
ILF2 ILF2, NF45, PRO3063: Interleukin enhancer-binding factor 2 0.027 0.027
RAD51AP1 N/A 0.027 0.027
SMC4L1 N/A 0.027 0.027
CLPX CLPX: ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit clpX-like, mitochondrial pr 0.027 0.027
ABCC4 ABCC4, MRP4: Multidrug resistance-associated protein 4 0.027 0.027
DNAH11 N/A 0.027 0.027
HSFY1 HSFY1, HSF2L, HSFY: Heat shock transcription factor, Y-linked 0.027 0.027
ZCCHC17 ZCCHC17, PS1D, HSPC243, HSPC251, LDC4: Nucleolar protein of 40 kDa 0.027 0.027
SPIC SPIC: Transcription factor Spi-C 0.027 0.027
RPA3 RPA3, REPA3, RPA14: Replication protein A 14 kDa subunit 0.027 0.027
C20orf116 C20orf116: Uncharacterized protein C20orf116 precursor 0.027 0.027
ABCF2 ABCF2, HUSSY-18: ATP-binding cassette sub-family F member 2 0.027 0.027
PAX3 PAX3, HUP2: Paired box protein Pax-3 0.027 0.027
IRF7 IRF7: Interferon regulatory factor 7 0.027 0.027
HILS1 HILS1: Spermatid-specific linker histone H1-like protein 0.027 0.027
FOXQ1 FOXQ1, HFH1: Forkhead box protein Q1 0.027 0.027
GTSE1 GTSE1: G2 and S phase-expressed protein 1 0.025 0.027
TACC3 TACC3, ERIC1: Transforming acidic coiled-coil-containing protein 3 0.025 0.027
Total Score 4.78E4